Datasets (SEC & Other)

Our Company provides

Certified Financial Datasets (SEC & Other)

Certified Financial Data (SEC & Other)

Certified datasets of entity financials, industry comparisons, market data, forecasts, reports, visualizations, and dashboards for any entities.

Our certified datasets are optimized data models that have evolved after leveraging our extensive business intelligence implementation experience, and international accounting knowledge and exposure since 1991. Knowing how accountants and analysts work, and what their reporting requirements are, enables us to take that right route in the evolvement of these certified financial datasets and optimized models.  

Model Structures

Our mature optimized dataset models use a star schema approach with dimension and fact tables being defined for optimal efficiency. This is consistent with accepted modern data warehouse theory. Knowing financial user requirements, and how to combine these into a composite model, enable for efficient high performing optimized certified datasets and financial solutions.


Datasets represent a source of data ready for reporting, visualization and dashboarding. A dataset is a collection of data that you import or connect to. We connect to and import all sorts of datasets and bring all of it together in one place. Datasets can also source data from dataflows. Datasets are stored in a workspace and can be accessed across workspaces for other reports and visualizations to leverage.

Dataset types include:

  • Existing data models
  • Excel table(s) and/or a workbook data model, or CSV file uploads
  • A push dataset
  • A streaming or hybrid streaming dataset

Other than streaming datasets, the dataset represents a data model, which leverages mature modeling technologies.

We can connect to over 150 data sources, including SEC structured XBRL data. Get 10-K (Annual) , 10-Q (Quarterly), 8-K (Current) reports, notes, disclosures and more. Over 13,000 companies.

Years in BI Industry
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Years Designing BI Finance
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Satisfied Customers
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Cubes & Datasets Designed
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