Olap Office AI SaaS Excel Add-in

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Installation & Trial Instructions

Get Started with Olap Office AI SaaS ChatGPT Excel Add-in

Use our test environment and template example to test the functionality.

  1. Click the [Test Account Details] button below.
  2. Fill out your contact details and check the [OpenAI ChatGPT Excel Trial] box. 
  3. We will email a User Id and Password.

Open either Excel Desktop or Excel Online 📊

Sign In to test user profile account (Top bar on right) 🔐

  1. Select “Sign in with a different account.
  2. Sign in with Test Account details
  3. If you are installing and Office Excel add-in that you have installed or trialed before then please consider going through the process detailed below in the section “New Office Excel Add-in Release“.

Excel Desktop: 💻

  1. Open Excel desktop application
  2. Sign in with Test User Profile Account (Top bar on right) 🔐.
  3. Select in Excel: File -> Open – template_generic_1.xlsx from: Test User’s One Drive – Olap Office Inc. > Documents
  4. You will be validated by “Pick an account” dialog. Select the Test User Account supplied through email.
  5. Select Formulas -> Calculate Sheet for the worksheet Simple. Verify the formula in the Results column calculates.
  6. Select the Excel tab “Olap Office AI” Click the ChatGPT icon to show the Taskpane. Explore all within the Taskpane. 🔍
  7. Explore the different worksheets in the workbook 🗂️

Excel Online through web browser 🌐

  1. Through the browser make sure you are logged into as a test user profile. Refer above: Sign in to test user profile/
  2. Clear Memory on Computer if not done. Refer above.
  3. Through Microsoft Edge or Chrome, click the Microsoft 365 icon
  4. Select the Excel icon.
  5. If prompted to “Pick an account” then “Use another account” with the user as the Test User Profile Account signing in. This is sent by email.
  6. Select in Excel: File -> Open – template_generic_1.xlsx from: Test User’s One Drive – Olap Office Inc. > Documents
  7. You will be validated by “Pick an account” dialog. Select the Test User Account.
  8. Click the [ChatGPT] icon and close it if the Taskpane has no content, or sideload it. ⏳
  9. Select Formulas -> Calculate Sheet, or just edit and return the formula in cell D5 of the Simple worksheet
  10. Select the Excel tab “Olap Office AI” Click the ChatGPT icon to show the Taskpane. Explore all within the Taskpane. 🔍
  11. Explore the different worksheets in the workbook 🗂️

New Office Excel Add-in Release

If there is a new version of a Microsoft Office Add-in (Excel), it is advisable for each user to do this through Excel Desktop.

  1. Select “File”
  2. Select “Options”
  3. Select “Trust Center”
  4. Select “Trust Center Settings …”
  5. Select “Trusted Add-in Catalogs”
  6. Check “Next time Office starts, clear all previously started web add-ins cache”
  7. Click [OK]
  8. Close Excel
  9. Open Excel 
  1. Clear the memory on your computer 🧹

    1. Microsoft Edge 🌐

    1. Settings -> Privacy, search, and services -> Clear browsing data now -> [Choose what to clear]
    2. Select Clear browsing data options
    3. Click the [Clear now] button

    2. Google Chrome 🌐

    1. Settings -> Privacy and security -> Clear browsing data
    2. Select Clear browsing data options
    3. Click the [Clear data] button

Next Steps

  1. 📧 Check your inbox for a welcome email with further instructions.
  2. 🆘 Get support from our help center for assistance.
  3. 📚 Read the Taskpane documentation for detailed information about the functionality.
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